Time change in Mexico: how does it affect health and what measures should be taken | Does time move forward or backward? | daylight saving time | Mexico | Mexico City | United States | USA | USA | Mexico | Mexico

Time change in Mexico: how does it affect health and what measures should be taken |  Does time move forward or backward?  |  daylight saving time |  Mexico |  Mexico City |  United States |  USA |  USA |  Mexico |  Mexico

Many studies have been conducted on how Move clocks forward one hour The last weekend of March can affect the body, although none of them provide conclusive results about the consequences of a sudden change in time on circadian rhythms. To this we must add that the work schedule remains the same, so in fact, from the perspective of the circadian clock, we wake up an hour earlier than usual, breaking the sleep routine, so as not to rest as much as we do. . necessary.

What is already a proven fact from a physiological perspective is that the immediate effect of a time change is a change in the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that acts by regulating states of wake and sleep depending on sunlight: the more light, the less melatonin is produced, so the sleep-inducing function of this hormone occurs Later.

What are the effects of changing time?

An imbalance in the change of time can affect anyone. However, the age groups that suffer most from this disorder are children and the elderly, as these groups are more susceptible to changes in routine and it may be difficult for them to fall asleep.

On the other hand, symptoms in neurological diseases such as migraine or epilepsy can be exacerbated by these changes. Although imbalances do not usually last in the long term, it is advisable to try to reduce them, especially in cases of susceptibility.

How do you adapt to the change of time?

These symptoms disappear in healthy people after a few days, between 3 and 5. However, a series of recommendations can be made to combat these effects:

  • Adjust meal and rest time a few days before the time change. Thus, adaptation will be much easier. It is not recommended to suddenly go to bed very early: it is better to do it gradually.
  • Establish a bedtime routine for going to bed and waking up as soon as the time changes. Also, daytime naps should be avoided. At least until the body gets used to the changing time and new sleep cycle.
  • Avoid exciting drinks as they can have an effect on sleep. It is advisable to reduce the intake of drinks such as coffee, tea or alcohol in the afternoon.
  • Avoid exercising late in the day, as this activates our metabolism. In general, although some people are not affected by this, it is best not to engage in moderate or intense physical activity after 7 pm.
  • Avoid large meals at dinner. In this way, digestion will be much easier. It is also recommended to advance dinner time slightly as bedtime is introduced to facilitate adjustment to the new schedule.

What are the advantages of changing the clock?

The fact that you have daylight hours doesn’t have to have only negative effects. In fact, despite the imbalances in our bodies, this change of schedule also brings some health and other benefits:

  • Changing the time encourages outdoor recreational activities, because with more hours of light, you can have more time to exercise or get away from home.
  • More Vitamin D More light means there is more exposure to sunlight, which is needed to produce Vitamin D which is essential for maintaining a good mood and health.
  • less pressure. More hours of the day can benefit mental health, as it helps reduce stress levels.
  • Energy saving. The fact that the activity is adapted to hours of natural light means that electricity consumption is reduced, as less artificial light is used.
  • Less environmental pollution thanks to lower energy consumption, by being able to make better use of natural light.
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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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