Tizayuca Biopark, a space suitable for animals

Tizayuca Biopark, a space suitable for animals

The Tizayuca “Tekuayán” Biopark opened its doors in October 2021 to resolve legal issues it had faced for more than two years, after failing to comply with wildlife legislation, and to give this space new life. It is inhabited by more than 150 wild species that were protected after the ban on animals in the circus.

Since April of last year, attorney Eric Ortega has been appointed director of this wildlife rescue center, where he has been the technical representative for Veterinary Zoologist (MVS), Emma Gomez Ramos, who have worked together to “raise” this place he was. Closed for 2 years in which animals currently enjoy a more dignified and harmonious life.

This was pointed out by Ortega, who indicated that we are in the process of committing to the management plan, which is the most important thing to cover for 2022, but it is continuing, so this year the kitchen will be finished. pharmacy and operating room.

It should be noted that just over three years ago, the Federal Environmental Protection Profession (Profepa) determined that the park had not complied with seven corrective actions, according to a document posted on the website of the Government of Mexico, approving a management plan for the species it harbors,” a situation that has been resolved. Now almost completely.

Tiger Tizayuca Biopark

“Since I took over the management of the place and with the support of the municipal government, in addition to the Tizayuca DIF system, this matter is resolved. We entered this site in dire need because the place had complaints and the first thing was to solve the legal problem and from the positions that we had to expedite the construction of the quarantine area which There was already a Profepa fine and with the support of the mayor, Susana Ángeles, as well as the head of the DIF system, Adriana Ángeles, we committed to this measure in just 50 days.

The kitchen and the pharmacy will also be ready, which is currently being built and will be completed this year, and the operating room will also be started, so we will comply with one hundred percent, and now we are the best face of the municipality. And we will continue to face it in 2022.

Under this scenario, Gomez Ramos notes that Tekoayan “became the gateway to Tizayoka.” And we can assure you that it is one of the most beautiful places in the city, a show and a form of family entertainment that employs an average of 20 people, which includes all the areas that make up the park.

“Above all, we are proud to show that the lives of our specimens have changed and can be seen in their fur, in their calmness and that they are much better compared to the way we found them, and we have even found out how the bear loves people come, but we continue to work on many details with short, medium and long-term goals ‘, he explained.

Currently, Biopark,It covers an area of ​​10 hectares, and there are more than 150 specimensof which 20 are tigers from animals that came from a circus that got there after they were banned,” but it’s been more than 10 years since that and we have 30 tiger specimens, nine of which were actually bred at the park, so we’re making this effort to get care records and clinical records for each One of them, so now everything is legal and compliant with Profepa, as well as with the State Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnath), and the manager of this place indicated that we are always working so that their living conditions are optimal.

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Finally, they are both responsible for this vital garden They invite the community to visit this place, respect and apply sanitary measures for the health of the people who visit this parkas well as the species of animals that live there,” and for 35 pesos per person, they will be able to enjoy this place, on weekends, sail in their boats and continue to help continue to improve the place and lives of people. Every species lives here, so we assure you It is currently the best animal conservation center in Hidalgo”, concluded Gomez Ramos.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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