Tricks for Gmail to free up space and tidy up your mail

Tricks for Gmail to free up space and tidy up your mail

It is very likely that you have a Gmail account. Either because you use Google services like Gmail itself, YouTube or Google Drive, or because you like it Manage your email Through this free service. Easy to use, always available and with Abundant spaceGmail is a good email service. But that is inevitable Your degree or folders are filled up And you are forced to free up some space.

In principle, Gmail offers 15 GB of available space. This space Shared with Google Drive And with Google Photos. More than enough for your email. At least if you don’t misuse send and receive attached files. But everything has a solution. Let’s see how you can free up some space and get an inbox Neat and organized.

Go to your Gmail attachments

Let’s start with the main reason why your Gmail account is over-saturated. Email messages take very little space. Usually, the 15GB that Google gives for free is in large files like Songs, videos, or photos.

To free up space in your Gmail account and get more space for more emails, Gmail gives us a way to detect Which letters are the heaviest. So you can download, save and / or delete attachments and delete large messages.

From the Gmail search field, clicking on it will display advanced search options. We are only interested in the option Contains attachments, Which we will celebrate. Then we press Search. Thanks to this filter, we will only see the emails With attachments. This will make it easier and faster for you to find and receive large emails Free up space in minutes.

See also  How to free up space on your iPhone to improve its performance

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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