Tried-and-True Practices for Attracting More Comment Likes to Your YouTube Channel

Tried-and-True Practices for Attracting More Comment Likes to Your YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the best social media and marketing channels. It has a loyal following with an audience of more than 122 million daily. Yet, to get your videos viewed on the site, you need to ensure users view your brand positively.

One way to do this is to get yourself out there and publish comments on other videos. However, to get the most presence on YouTube, you need to show the algorithm that your comms are worthwhile, with comment likes. So what are the options?

1. Get a Boost

The first step is to ensure that you are giving your comments on other videos a boost. There are a couple of options for getting that initial support. Start by getting your friends, family, employees, etc., to like the comment. For YouTube popularity not only with videos but with your comments, you can buy comment likes on YouTube to improve engagement on a post.

2. Create Something Meaningful

When brands try to build engagement through comments, they tend to be of poor quality and not meaningful. For example, inefficient brands will use terms like ‘nice video’ and ‘thanks for the info.’ However, these comms have no value, and there is no reason for someone to like them. What you need to do is to add to the conversation in the video. There are several different options available, such as adding:

  • Posing a question to the audience/creator.
  • Presenting information related to the content from your own experiences.
  • Recommending solutions to problems presented in the video.

3. Choosing the Right Videos

It is essential that when writing comments on videos you’re targeting the right audience. Too many brands create replies on videos with no relation to the niche. For example, some brands will publish content on a cooking channel when they’re publishing videos on gardening.

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This doesn’t mean there isn’t content that niche can’t cooperate on; however, careful planning is vital. So if the cooking channel is talking about vegetables, the gardening channel could talk about the taste of vegetables.

4. Publish Quickly

When you write a comment, do so quickly after the video has been published. The quicker the action is made, the more visible the comment will be. There will also be some reduction in the competition your remark will have. So more of your audience will see your brand’s comments and respond.

5. Reach out to Fans

Another option is to reach out to fans you are talking to on YouTube and direct them to comments you’ve made. Then get them to like what you say. Reaching out to fans can be a good option because they are loyal to your brand and will be more willing to like your YouTube comms.

You can reach out to fans through social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Or you can send an email where you direct audiences to the comms that you have made.

6. Reduce the Number of Comments You Make

One frequent strategy of many YouTubers is publishing too many comms that can look like spam. The idea is that the number of likes on them will exponentially grow and help the brand through ‘mass of content.’ The problem is that YouTube users can see the strategy as spamming.

Audiences can respond by feeling annoyed, and the content published is often lower quality to warrant responses. Therefore, the option should be to create less content of a higher caliber. Creating fewer but high-caliber comments allows you to focus promotional efforts and achieve better results.

7. Practice Good Writing

Another factor is to ensure everything you create needs to be really high quality. While this is somewhat about the content you publish with points mentioned before, there is also the aspect of good writing.

Spelling and grammar should be really high. Otherwise, readers will assume the content has been written by someone who does not care. Or that you have used AI, which still has some stigma. There are many ways you can improve your writing, including using tools like Grammarly.

8. Consider When to Publish

Another factor to consider is when you publish content on YouTube. You want to ensure you publish content when audiences are going to be online and watching the video. Many users prefer to see the latest comment, so the closer to the most active time you publish comms, the greater the chance audiences will see them.

YouTube engagement is highest between Friday and Saturday, along with Wednesday. These high-engagement times are why many successful YouTubers publish content on Tuesdays and Fridays.

9. Target Popular Content Publishers

Another focus is to find creators who are highly popular within your specific niche. By targeting popular channels, you can guarantee that numerous YouTube viewers will see your feedback and that you will have more comment likes.

Though, it is not just about the number of views. Look at how the creator is generating comments. The more they typically collect, the more engaged their audience is. These are the ones that you really need to target.

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10. Add a Good YouTube Channel Image

The image accompanying your comment, the profile icon, is an excellent opportunity to showcase your professionalism. By utilizing an attractive icon you can generate more interest in your comment.

A headshot is one option, but this icon is small, so it might not have the effect you would like. Consider using bright colors to attract the eye and build a good relationship with your audience.

11. Create Content Regularly

Another option is to ensure you’re a reputable brand within the niche. Publishing content regularly, which is insightful and energetic, and encourages engagement, can help you when the audience sees your name on other channels. People like to show support for their favorite content creators, so this option allows you to take advantage of that.

It is also good because not only will you get comment likes on other content, but you will also grow your channel. A good brand name on the channel will also help your comms rank higher on videos, and your content to rank high in YouTube searches.

12. Use Emotive Language

Another option is to use emotive language in what you post. The right terms and words will encourage action from readers. Therefore, the more emotive your content is, the better. There are numerous ways to include emotive language, and ensure you are getting your emotions aligned with the video you’re commenting on. Ensure the language also matches your branding.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, writing great and engaging comments is a real art just like making videos for your YouTube channel. But with a bit of patience and proper strategies, you can master this craft really fast and effectively!

Tommy Vercetti

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