UCLV is at the forefront of science and innovation in the country – Juventud Rebelde

UCLV is at the forefront of science and innovation in the country – Juventud Rebelde
New doctors from Las Villas University

On Friday in an official ceremony, the Central University of Marta Abreu de las Villas awarded Doctor of Science degrees to more than thirty professionals, including First Secretary of the Communist Party and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez.

According to Osana Mullerio Perez, dean of the House of Graduate Studies, more than 50 doctors have recently graduated there. He said that even the adversities caused by COVID-19 cannot take that happiness away from us, and in the face of complications of various kinds, the reckless progress of science that refuses to stop its rhythm is imposed on UCLV.

When interfering with the awards ceremony, the university president said that “in line with the multidisciplinary nature that distinguishes us, we check every year the diversity of knowledge that is presented through 19 doctoral training programs at our university.”

He added that four of these are holders of degrees, eight are distinguished by the National Accreditation Board of the Republic of Cuba, and four have received the Quality Award granted by the Association of Ibero-American Universities for Postgraduate Studies.

On this occasion, Las Villas University was able to graduate doctors in the fields of education, natural sciences, art, technical, economic, agricultural and humanities. Molerio Perez said that among the new doctors, 23 were women, 10 were from the business sector and five were of different nationalities.

He said UCLV, as an innovative and developing institution, continues its efforts to increase the country’s scientific potential, as it currently has 323 PhD students, most of whom will complete their training in the next three years.

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On behalf of the alumni, the President of the Republic – who on March 23 discussed his thesis: “A System of Governmental Administration Based on Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Cuba” – thanked the University for the passionate, worship and transcendent act, which will remain in the memory of each of us.

The President acknowledged the role played by the Ministry of Higher Education, which in times of the pandemic was wisely able to rearrange measures to facilitate scientific research and innovation did not stop when the country was in dire need of it.

Diaz-Canel said she did so with the advantage of not losing demand or rigor in the workings of defense in every PhD thesis.

The head of state, who graduated from the Central University in 1982, highlighted the human value of his fellow PhDs, the revolutionary commitment and participation in the effort to promote research that contributes to economic and social development to reach – for prosperity.

He emphasized that when noting the diversity of knowledge through which these investigations were developed, there is no doubt that the University of Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central leads a strong doctoral program and is one of the educational centers that are at the forefront in Cuba in terms of science and innovation.

He added that it is clear the role of this university in our country, and mainly in the integrated development of the Vila Clara district.

Diaz-Canel did not condone the indisputable role of teachers, the people who directed us and in many cases made us see the light of the way to organize ideas; The teachers who convinced us when things seemed to be impossible.

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También hubo en su voz palabras de elogios para las familias, los amigos, las personas más cercanas, que hanido tenido enorme paciencia en estos años de intenso trabajo, nos han apoyado en todo, hanizado las y han sido inspión para cada cada ideas we.

Diaz-Canel said doing a PhD has been a growth process for everyone, as revolutionaries and as professionals. We are honored and delighted to contribute, even with a grain of sand, to this effort of the country that needs to be redoubled in order to contribute to solving the most pressing problems in Cuba through scientific research and innovation.

Titles were awarded to about 35 professionals – others were unable to attend due to the epidemiological situation – it was held at the famous theater of the university and it was the responsibility of the Minister of Higher Education, José Ramon Saborido Lodi, to give the required diplomas. It was Ars Nova Ancient Music and Trovarroco Trio, Villa Clara’s best art, who were responsible for bestowing the aura of distinction that marked the moment he lived in UCLV on Friday morning.

Since there can be no wasted time at such crucial times for a nation, President Diaz Canel took advantage of his few hours at Marta Abreu and before earning his PhD, he met the team developing there a handheld digital future. Terrestrial TV and its associated software platform. It is now a functional model, which at the end of the year will be a prototype that will be validated in a sample of 100 users.

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The President said admiringly, How many things can we do in Cuba, convinced that more can be done to achieve sovereignty.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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