Vieques prepares for the potential impact of Storm Grace

Vieques prepares for the potential impact of Storm Grace

The mayor of Vieques, Jose Junito Corcino Acevedo, reported that the municipality of the aforementioned island is preparing to deal with any possibility arising from the passage of Tropical Storm Grace.

“Prior to June, the month that marks the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season, our administration was preparing in a quick and detailed way to address situations that might arise as a result of a tropical storm or hurricane passing through. We are ready to meet this challenge, as we are somehow blessed,” he commented. Mayor prepared our technical staff and support staff, in addition to backup systems.

Corsino Acevedo also announced the activation of the Municipal Emergency Operations Center (COE), located in the old Mercedes de Ruiz School (Melévi) in the Santa Maria de Vieques neighborhood. The facility contains an emergency generator system of about 30 tons and a second backup system based on solar technology that will provide electricity to the COE without interruption.

“We will visit all sectors of Vieques during the morning and afternoon today to dialogue with its residents and see how we can help prepare for this weather phenomenon to have a direct impact, like the current meteorological bulletins project. Also, we are in direct contact with state agencies, such as the National Guard, And the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as well as the Federal Fish and Fish Service to respond to any situation immediately,” added the municipality’s chief executive officer.

In conclusion, Corsino Acevedo urged all the Vikings Islands to be aware of weather forecasts, as well as news from the corresponding agencies.

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The Municipal Center of Excellence consists of the Municipal Police, the Municipal Emergency Department, as well as state agencies such as the Departments of Public Safety, Family, Education – for Shelters – and Health, as well as the Police and Firefighters Bureau. and medical emergencies.

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