WEEKLY EL TIEMPO PERGAMINO What will the Parque Belgrano Sports and Entertainment District be like?

WEEKLY EL TIEMPO PERGAMINO What will the Parque Belgrano Sports and Entertainment District be like?
& nbsp Wednesday 03 February 2021


It is estimated that this new phase will start in 15 days.

A few days ago, the municipality issued a tender for the works of the sports and recreation area to be established in the Belgrano Park located between the Trocha neighborhoods and Villa Progreso. The winning company is Banah Gestión y Obras SRL.

It is estimated that this new phase will start in 15 days.

The aforementioned Park project was born with the idea of ​​creating a new type of urban, multi-functional and amusement park that unites different groups of users of different interests and ages.

In this sense, the team of professionals from the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Public Works, an area under the Urban Development Administration, has developed a new social space to attract skiers, skiers, cyclists and families from all parts of the city.

We seek to integrate sports spaces with green spaces that provide a wide range of programming functions and recreational opportunities, ranging from cycling, skateboarding and skateboarding, to novice users and more advanced users, and it is an exercise sector that contains stations with three levels of difficulty, basketball ring and segments Comfort, “detailing from the area.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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