What we expect from the remainder of 2021 in technology, science or video games (Scan X, #149)

What we expect from the remainder of 2021 in technology, science or video games (Scan X, #149)

If you’re one of those who say summer is a timeless capsule of seclusion, you might, at least, be making reality. It’s inevitable to invest a portion of the hot months in rubbing your hands, and thinking about what’s to come for the rest of the year. Beginning of the cycle, autumn, Christmas campaign … Technology, science and entertainment hit the gas after the summer hiatusIt is appropriate to make some previous notes.

So, in this episode of “Clear the X” we have A selection of Xataka experts who have told us what they most expect for the remainder of 2021. Involved Javier JimenezAnd the Javier PastorAnd the Cesar MuilaAnd the Enrique PerezAnd the Javier LacourtAnd the Anna MartyAnd the Jose Garcia Nieto and servant, John Tunes. Production, as always, is responsible for Saints Araujo.

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You can listen to this week’s episode below. if you prefer, You can subscribe directly On any of the platforms we use, so you don’t have to worry every time a new premium is released.

Autumn is full of dating

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From the release of a new version of Windows 11 to the premiere of adaptations of sci-fi classics like ‘Dune’, including The shortage of chips and its impact on the automotive and mobile industries, Or the launch of a post-E3 video game, with titles like “Battlefield” or the new “Age of Empires”. A complete backpack full of plans and news to be on the lookout for or releases not to miss.

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And if you don’t want to look to the long-term future and open your mouth with some basic plans and dates, you can check out our podcast from last week, where We review some fun and technical suggestions for the most enjoyable summer. And this long-awaited fall does not make you wait for too long.

Every week a new chapter

And remember: Every Thursday you have a new chapter of our podcast Clear the X, where We meticulously analyze the cool tech topic every week.

Thanks for joining us!

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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