WhatsApp: How to free up memory space without the tedious task of checking all downloads | WASSAP | WSP | WP | Mexico | Spain | SPORTS-PLAY

WhatsApp: How to free up memory space without the tedious task of checking all downloads |  WASSAP |  WSP |  WP |  Mexico |  Spain |  SPORTS-PLAY

Let’s be honest with something… There is nothing more boring than reviewing all the multimedia material in your account The WhatsApp To know what to delete to get more space on your smartphone. When the cell phone has no room for more, the system slows down and your experience will get worse over time. Fortunately, there are tools available online to help you get out of the clutter and piles of useless stuff.

You don’t have to go far to fix this problem The WhatsApp. If you are an Android user, we recommend you to go to the Google Play Store and search for “‘, an app developed by LookAndFeel Lab.

The most important feature of the application WhatsApp Cleaner is that you can clean WhatsApp files from your Android phone or tablet automatically at regular interval or by storage limit. It also has an easy interface for newcomers.

Latest version of WhatsApp Cleaner It brings a search engine for duplicate files (most annoying when viewing threads in different chats), as well as better material and performance rating.

WhatsApp | Application guide

Keep in mind that a file WhatsApp Cleaner It is a free app and has absolutely nothing to do with the original company.

The WhatsApp Cleaner It occupies 4.3 MB and requires Android 4.1 and later. The system also contains small payments for exclusive services.

In the event that you do not want to download a third-party application for WhatsApp memory management, we recommend that you go to the settings to deactivate the instant download of audio and video files. In this way, when someone sends a photo or video, you will decide whether to download the material to the internal memory of the smartphone.

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Izer Hector

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