“Where I Was Going, Was Already Coming,” Alejandra Guzman recalls how Paulina Rubio “dropped” Eric Rubin, talking about her relationship with Ricky Martin | News from Mexico

“Where I Was Going, Was Already Coming,” Alejandra Guzman recalls how Paulina Rubio “dropped” Eric Rubin, talking about her relationship with Ricky Martin |  News from Mexico

Mexico City. There is a topic that people remember very well and that is.love triangle“Who is shining? Alejandra GuzmanPaulina Rubio and Eric RubinThe singers ended up competing and they even took on musical themes from her.

In an interview with Jordi Rosado, daughter of Silvia Pinal He remembered the time he was dating ruby, and talked about the songs that “she and”golden girlThey fired.

The singer remembers that she started dating Eric Because he “loved her” since he saw her at the awards show TVyNovelaswhere she won an award. Translator “betterShe mentioned that she liked him for his “rock” style and that they dated for a few months.

We started dating and lasted for two months, until I found out he was dating Paulina, again, I told the producer there, and he gave me the song “Hey Gerash” for her (Rubio) put on by “On”. What a copy, where I was going, it was already coming, but I got there first, ”said the singer.

Send it to “fly”

Alejandra Guzman He mentioned it when he found out ruby I was still dating Paulina RubioThe singer explained that she decided to end the relationship and not contact him again, “but it hurt me, I don’t like them being unfaithful to me, less with celebrities.”

around it, yordi question Guzman On whether she ever made things clear with him, the singer notes that she’s seen him, that she respects him a lot, and talks about him. Andrea Legarreta and his daughters whom he described as “very beautiful”, Guzman He admitted that he “respects him, but now looks at him in a different way.”

of his relationship with Paulina Rubio, daughter of Silvia Pinal They indicated that they made a video and that they were working on a project, but it was canceled due to the pandemic due to the pandemic. COVID-19 And for some “small details”.

“When you do things 50 and 50, you have to know how to remove yourself so that the other one enters and sometimes does not get out of the way. I say: ‘No and then wait.’ And I don’t want to get in any trouble with anyone, because the project didn’t come out, maybe It happens later.”

Her relationship with Ricky Martin

in the interview, Alejandra Guzman He remembers the relationship he had with him Ricky MartinNoting that she met him when she went Venezuela To create a program in VinvisionفيAt that time, she had already separated from Pablo Moctezuma and your daughter, Frida SophiaShe indicated that she was two months old.

The actress also admitted that when they met he invited her to dinner and a dance and afterwards he would always text her the details, “He was a gentleman,” she recalls. Guzman; But he noted that they had problems with the singer’s mother, so they had to “hide” to be together.

“a ricky I saw him four times in six months, and then he was very sad too, then I tried to go back to my family and I was like a dog with two scones, without anything, I was left alone. But I admire him, because you have to have the courage to accept who you love, how you love him, and what color you like,” he said. Alejandra Guzman About the singer’s sexuality.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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