Zarutz: More Study Space

Zarutz: More Study Space

Study room to return to the ARITZBATALDE Sports Center from today with places for 50 people

hThere were many young people from Zarostard who saw the need to expand the study space during all these years. Well, starting today the classroom will return to the Aritzbatalde Sports Center with the aim of increasing opening hours and capacity. “We believe it is essential to have a study room that responds to the needs of Zarautz students,” said Education Adviser, Irune Urbieta, who stated that seeing the Sanz Enea classroom was so small, years ago the city council made the decision to renovate one of the gymnasium halls for this purpose. Not in vain, because of the epidemic, the sports center was forced to rearrange the spaces and the study room returned to Sanz Enea. Now, realizing the possibility of returning to the previous situation, they decided to provide this service again in the sports center.

The Sports Center classroom hours will start Monday through Friday from 6:15 am to 9:30 pm. On Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM and from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM. On Sundays and on holiday eves, it will only open in the mornings from 8:00am to 1:30pm.

Accommodates 50 people This new study room will accommodate 50 people, as well as 70 places in the library and room in the House of Culture, intended to accommodate another 26 students.

In this sense, they insisted from the city council that it is a place to study and work in silence, with Wi-Fi connectivity.

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In order to gain access to the room, it will be necessary to show the library card at the reception. Those who do not have the card can request it at the same library.

Since the room is in the sports center, users are reminded that at certain times, there may be noise while spinning lessons are being conducted in the next room. The timetables when there may be noise are indicated on the posters placed in the study room.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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