A space that resists great invitation and energy

A space that resists great invitation and energy

Feb 21, 2021 – 01:02
It is a course organized by El Galpón de los Sueños, a cultural and artistic space for the community, and among other proposals, the work “Desprovisto” is presented. From an international company visiting us.

Today, “Vereda Cultural” will present a “Desprovisto” show by the Tallarín con Banana group and other proposals for the whole family starting at 7 pm.

This course, called “Vereda Cultural”, is a meeting space promoted by El Colectivo Teatro for this summer time, in an open space at El Galpón de los Sueños Espacio de Artes y Culturas, located at Alfonsina Storni 210 Loteo La Noria, in Palala,

during summer

The “Vereda Cultural” course has been held every Sunday since last December and will continue until the end of this month.

The Cultural Path proposes sharing an outdoor afternoon with theatrical performances, puppets, circuses, manga, storytelling, music, dance and various forms of artistic and cultural expression with famous artists. This cycle arises from resilience measures in the context of the pandemic that have allowed artistic and entertainment activities to resume in the province.

In this way, El Galpón de los Sueños implements this entertainment project and spread popular artistic expressions, which has led to the emergence of local groups and the resumption of association with the community after activities are suspended due to the pandemic during 2020.

The efforts of the officials, Fabiola Welt and Ivan Santos Vega, are once again present and expressed in the works. Let’s remember that they work so as not to lose this space as the dream of a cultural center began to emerge. The ultimate goal of actions and work aimed at raising money, and maintaining contact, is to purchase a home of his own, which is still the property of someone else.

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To all neighbors

The neighbors and the general public are invited to share a family afternoon outdoors with responsible spacing.

Admission is free and free, with the possibility to contribute to the maximum.

The audience will also find handicraft stalls made by the Artisan Group of Paseo Artesanal Palpalá and the American Gallery. The purpose of the proceeds is to contribute to the “Let’s create a theater in Palala” campaign to give continuity and support the operation of El Galpón de los Sueños, which is an independent and self-managed project.

“We highlight the participation of the Palpalá Orchestral troupe under the direction of Professor Javier Soria, the Andean music group Quattro Ventus, the musicians Gabriel Montaño and Juan Valdes, the narrator Joaquín Ramos, the Lomatika group with the Lambe Lambe Fund, the Toboggan doll set to the moon, Circo en Movimiento, the Cilia doll drive Córdoba, and murga Los Soñadores del Alto through the “INTerventions to Open Sky ??” course. of the National Theater Institute, “Fabiola Vilte details, from El Colectivo Teatro to Iván Santos Vega implements the El Galpón de los Sueños project.

Fabiola and Evan are the ones responsible for moving every Jordanian from “Vereda Cultural” with their funny characters. They were also conductors of the generated space in radio and networks.

The microphone and stage are always open to local and neighboring artists.

Those interested can contact us via email: [email protected], Facebook at “El Galpón de los Sueños”, Instagram @elgalpondelossuenios; Or via WhatsApp at the numbers 3884175132/3884346605.

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Noodle with Banana

The company served today at 7 PM is Tallarín con Banana, made up of Anabel González (Argentina) and Rodrigo Rivera (Chile), who are touring our province.
His program, Desprovisto, has won the following international awards: First Prize International Kleinkunstfestival, Usedom Heringsdorf, Germany (2011); and the Humor Award for “Prowess and Accuracy” Festival de Rue Vevey, Switzerland (2010).
This “devoid” of objects and gimmicks proposes a classic formula: a festival in which they compete for whoever jumps in a circle better, confront conditions and ally themselves, creating situations in which the viewer participates. A hug, round, looking into each other’s eyes until the union arrives, the love that saves everything and heals everything. Thus the message becomes universal. Love is the mirror where we contemplate the other, where the world becomes only one.

Workshops for everyone
The Dream Gallery Square for Arts and Cultures proposes several artistic workshops for the community in general to be held during the current month and next March.
The proposals are Danza Creativa, with teacher Paula Sánchez; Kids’ yoga, with instructor Daniela Tamayo; And aerobatics with Professor Eliana Rojas.
These workshops seek free expression of the body, enjoyment of the body with movement, and the acquisition of various techniques to strengthen self-confidence through play.
For adults, the show is participation in the Aerial Acrobatics Workshop, and the Orchestral Ensemble with maestro Javier Soria, where they can learn to play string instruments, wind, percussion, and orchestra formation.
A female personal defense workshop is also available, led by Nahuel Felt, who suggests obtaining tools for defense and attack while maintaining control and confidence in one’s potential.
Finally, to share with the family, a creative photography workshop was proposed with visual artist and photographer Anibal Aparicio. By means of pinhole photography technology, photographic cameras will be built with disposable items which through an aperture called a pinhole (camera lens) will record the images on light-sensitive paper, which will be processed later in the laboratory (darkroom)
The monthly fee is accessible so that no one is excluded from these offers. Everything helps the “Let’s Build a Theater in Palala” campaign.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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