CEU Science Nurses

CEU Science Nurses

It is organized by CEU de Castellón and the College of Nurses with the aim of fostering interest in research among professionals in the future

Castellon info

The 1st “Nurses of Science” conference is an initiative to obtain a degree in nursing at CEU Cardenal Herrera (CEU UCH) From Castellón and the County Official College of Nurses (COECS) to reflect on the importance of Research from Nursing He is The entry scientific In the field Healthy. Representatives of nursing professional organizations in the Valencia region participate tomorrow Friday 7 May, in this conference, to be presented also Better scientific research doing it the students The nursing degree at CEU UCH, with the aim of fostering an interest in research among future professionals.

As explained by the Coordinator of Nursing Degree at CEU UCH in Castellon, Isabel Almodovar, “The goal of the Nurses of Science conference is to analyze.” The importance of scientific training for future professionals Nursing and the importance of the research they conducted to expand knowledge in the field of health care and strengthen the knowledge status of the profession. ”Today will begin with the symposium“ Why and Why Investigation of Nursing ”, in which the President of the Community Nursing Council of Valencia (CECOVA) is expected to participate, Juan Jose TerradoJosé Antonio Avila, President of the Community Nursing Academy of Valencia, and President of the Official College of Nurses of Castellon (COECS), Francisco Javier Barega. Seminar will be moderated by the Vice Dean of Nursing at CEU UCH, Beatrice Rodriguez Dies Caballero.

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After the symposium, the conference will feature “Nurses of Science” The five most important investigations Implemented for their final degree projects by nursing students from CEuropean Union UCH Castellon From past sessions. Juan Pons Will present his work on capillary HbA1c efficacy as a screening for gestational diabetes; Julia CareersIts protocol of action against the outbreak of norovirus in hospitals; Claudia CakeStudy of anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients. Fernando PaganResults of his evaluation of the health effects of physical activity in triathlon; s Lluís Dolce, And its assessment of subjective experience and degree of satisfaction with the RVS intervention in pregnant cancer patients and among nursing professionals of the Castellon County Hospital Association (CHPCs). They all got Excellent grades With these your inquiries TFG.

The day will be concluded with the doctor’s interventions Isabelle Almodóvar Fernandez, Nursing degree coordinator at CEU UCH in Castellon, also this degree professor and doctor Raphael Gonzalez Moret, To stimulate the completion of doctoral studies and the completion of doctoral theses in nursing. This session will be presented by the Vice Dean of Health Sciences at CEU UCH in Castellon, Paula Sanchez Thevenette It will be aimed specifically at final year students.

Director of the CEU UCH campus in Castellon, Jose Maria MiraAnd Academic Secretary, Denial CastilloIt will also take part in the “Nurses of Science” day sessions on Friday May 7 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, CEU UCH’s College of Health Sciences Across Is flowing From CEU UCH and COECS YouTube channels.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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