Could Godzilla exist? This is the science behind the beast

Could Godzilla exist?  This is the science behind the beast
  • The famous Japanese monster Godzilla has been a part of Japanese culture for more than 60 years.
  • During this time, the beast wreaked havoc across the world and it is common to imagine what would happen if it were to exist in real life.
  • Here’s what the science has to say about whether Godzilla existed and what it would mean if it did.

Everyone who loves Japanese popular culture has heard of kaijus, The gigantic monsters that usually attack major cities and face armies or others kaijus. It does not exist Kaigo The most important or famous of Godzilla, the king of monsters.

For more than 60 years, Godzilla has dazzled the world with its astonishing origins that reflect the dangers of nuclear power and less dangerous stories that simply involve gigantic monsters fighting for their enjoyment.

Now, with the impending release of “Godzilla Vs. Kong”, discussions arise about which monster has the best chance of winning, plus another unknown: Will creatures like this be able to exist? This is what science says.

Could there ever be a monster like Godzilla in real life?

The short answer is: No, not at all. However, the explanation for the reason is more interesting.

If we take the latest Godzilla as an example, it will have a height of about 110 meters and weigh about 90 thousand metric tons, which is far more than the heaviest land and marine animals on the planet (MUCH): the African elephant (6.0 tons) and the blue whale (190 tons) respectively.

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The heaviest dinosaur Argentinosaurus It weighs 100 tons, and it has four limbs to distribute its enormous weight. Our favorite Kaigo only has two and it just wouldn’t be enough.

According to the world Neil Degrassi TysonA creature the size of a Godzilla would be too heavy on its limbs, and consequently collapsing under its own weight.

In turn, your bones need to be extraordinarily strong to bear this weight; Roughly twice the strength of some titanium alloys, according to Popular Mechanics.

Normal bone has a tensile strength of 150 MPa. However, Godzilla’s bones would have to withstand 3000 MPa. In contrast, Godzilla’s cartilage needs to be about 12 times stronger than human cartilage, in order to prevent his knees from bursting under his own weight.

Well, in the hypothetical case Godzilla could exist, how would it survive?

Leaving physical impossibility, this kijo requires a lot of energy to move.

At rest, a Metabolism of Godzilla would generate 1.4 megawatts, roughly the same amount of energy as a Wind turbines; However, in the middle of the battle, it will generate about 37 megawatts, according to Popular Mechanics. This would be enough energy to power a city of 3,000 residents.

Bearing in mind that Godzilla obtains energy through nuclear radiation instead of food, it will have to find adequate sources of it to survive. Most likely, it will have to resort to nuclear reactors.

The nuclear plant produces, on average, about 1 gigawatt of energyAccording to the United States government. If we take into account that there is currently 440 operational reactors around the worldWith a combined electrical capacity of 390 gigawatts, Godzilla will have relatively adequate power supplies to survive.

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However, the world with Godzilla will be in serious trouble.

Godzilla’s powers would be an absolute problem for any living creature’s survival

In addition to the obvious collateral damage that Godzilla will leave in whatever city it passes through, humanity will also have to worry about the abilities of the monster that exceed its size; Specifically, its atomic power.

Perhaps the skill most used in kaiju is its atomic breath. According to the law, Godzilla is able to produce it by nuclear explosions that occur inside and expel that energy as blue rays that can reach temperatures between 500,000 and 900,000 degrees Celsius.

However, after the temperature, the real danger to breathing comes from its location. Scientific communication Kyle Hill He explains in prof YouTube video Godzilla’s atomic breath is largely composed of ionizing radiation, which is radiation with sufficient energy to ionize matter.

“Every time Godzilla breathes, there is enough ionizing radiation to transport the particles into the Earth to make them radioactive; enough to infect an entire city with cancer and to make Tokyo, or any other city in Godzilla, literally uninhabitable for thousands of years,” Hill explains.

In conclusion, the world will not have fun with Godzilla in it; But at least we have his films to ignore this fact.

Now read: From Godzilla to Astro Boy: How the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings Influenced Japanese Popular Culture

Also read: “Please shout into your hearts.” This is how you will live the new normal life in Japanese theme parks

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Izer Hector

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