Cuba and US return to conflict | International

Cuba and US return to conflict |  International
Opposition to the US embargo on Cuba in Havana this Sunday.Ismail Francisco / A.P.

Biden was known It’s not going to be Obama with Cuba. so what Trump lifts sanctions It may take time for the former Democrat president to resume policy for approval. But no one ever thought things could go so wrong. Almost five months after he arrived at the White House, None of the 240 measures to intensify the embargo adopted by Trump have been removed. The Blasphemy from Washington Because of the island’s human rights situation, they are on the rise, and the new administration has stated that Havana is not fully cooperating with Washington in the fight against terrorism, so it will remain on its blacklist. The reaction of the Cuban Foreign Ministry was immediate: “It is being used for purely baseless accusation and political purposes, trying to justify the aggression against Cuba, including the inhumane economic, commercial and financial siege that our people are experiencing.” Small remnants of initial expectations. Day by day we return to the bitter rhetoric of the Trump era, no longer talking about the normalization of Obama: For Cuba, Biden is the present and the past.

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In recent weeks, diplomatic tensions between the two countries have escalated. On May 4, the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blink, During the 51st session of the US Council, said his country would “condemn human rights repression on the island” and protect “the human rights of the Cuban people, including freedom of expression and the right to assembly.” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodrguez responded several hours later: “If Secretary Blingen is concerned about the human rights of Cubans, he will lift the siege and the 243 measures used by the previous government, and today covid-19 will re-establish diplomatic services and family reunification.”

Last week, continued The fast of disgruntled artist and activist Louis Manuel Otero Alcondara, He was forcibly transferred to a Havana hospital – where he was admitted and isolated for nearly four weeks – following which opposition rapper McClellan Osorbo, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Julie ChungHe said the United States had rejected “the detention of artists for exercising their freedom of expression.” “The Cuban government cannot silence its critics by violating its human rights record,” he said, calling for the “immediate release” of two members of the so-called San Isitro movement. This time, Johanna Tablada, the US deputy director general of the Cuban foreign ministry, responded by considering Sung’s announcement as “openly rhetorical and interventionist” and “a metaphor for the US government’s concern for human rights while obscuring its real intentions.” “The United States does not care about the Cuban people, nor does it seek to justify its criminal policy of economic sanctions, nor does it seek to legitimize the Cuban citizens and to encourage those who are more visibly motivated to create illegal measures for orientation and instability and to create a false image of Cuba,” he said.

To make matters worse, this week Washington is the place to justify keeping the island in its place in “non-cooperating” countries in “counter-terrorism efforts”, including Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Venezuela. Trump added it to the list of states that support terrorism, nine days before leaving the White House, with the final approval aimed at preventing any possible approach to Havana. “Slander surprises and irritates and it [la Administración Biden] Use Trump’s policy, ”Rodriguez said.

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U.S. educator William Leogrande recalls that Joe Biden supported the opening of Cuba when Obama was his vice president and promised during the 2020 campaign Restart the engagement. “But the first signs from executives indicate that an internal debate is taking place between those who support Obama’s return to policy and those who have abandoned many of Trump’s sanctions and pursued a policy of pressure. Instead,” he says in a recent work.

In recent months, several congressmen and senators from both parties have registered various legislative efforts. The campaign is growing, and more importantly, the Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez, chairman of the High Council’s Foreign Committee, is embarking on a tough path towards Cuba. In recent days, Menendez and Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who have been a pillar of Trump in his economic policy against the island, have put forward a plan by US courts to bar the recognition of the rights of an individual or a company in connection with a trademark. By the Cuban regime. “One more line for the LTTE. At the same time, Oxfam, a non-profit organization, called for the immediate lifting of sanctions on humanitarian grounds to” normalize relations with Cuba. “

The debate over what Biden should do about Cuba has opened up in the US Think tanksThe Democratic Council of America (CDA), the Washington Office on Latin America (Vola) or the Cuban Review Commission (CSG) have called on the new administration in various documents to prioritize the Cuban issue and re-establish policy. Attitude and Critical Involvement of Obama. But currently nothing. In the difficult game of power balances in Washington, Leogrande observes, “Internal political gains are possible State“But it does not create anything” positive “in foreign policy,” he said. “An effective policy towards Cuba requires a realistic mindset that, once and for all, cannot impose Washington’s will on Cuba. Policymakers must abandon the illusion that sanctions will bring success and go to work with a regime we do not like, but it will not disappear in no time. “The other thing is to continue the same policy of pressure that existed 60 years ago, which has proven its failure and fueled the psychology of the besieged plaza in the Cuban government. In the middle, as always, ordinary Cubans are the losers.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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