Opening of the third Entrepreneurship Space in Zitacoaro

Opening of the third Entrepreneurship Space in Zitacoaro

With government investment of more than 4 million pesos, the Michoacan authorities have opened a third entrepreneurship space in Zetacoaro.

Upon the opening of the center, the Governor, Silvano Orioles Cunjo, explained that the aim of this project is to ensure the arrival of more investments and the creation of more economic units in addition to jobs in the entity; This will also help in the recovery and economic revitalization phase, after the negative impact of the epidemic.

He stated that they are seeking to develop a network of regional centers, allowing entrepreneurs to implement procedures for installing or expanding their companies in a simpler and easier way.

The state chief stated that the goal is that before the end of his administration, which will be in 2021, 10 entrepreneurial spaces will be created, each serving different groups of municipalities.

In this regard, the head of the Sedeco Economic Development Secretariat, Jess Melguza Velásquez, explained that this center will serve 16 Michoacan municipalities: Ipitacio Huerta, Marafatio, Contepec, Tlalpujahua, Sengoyo, Erembo, Hidalgo, Apuro, Angangyo, Tuxpan, Ocampo, Jungapo, Tuzantla, Juarez, Susubato, and Zittaquaro.

The minister noted that the first entrepreneurship space was opened in 2019 in Morelia, while the second was opened last week in Uruapan.

“We make sure that the Espacio Emprendedor network follows the same model in Morelia, we started more than a year ago organizing all our programs and all our services, which culminated in December last year with the issuance of ISO 9001 certification in 2015, the implementation of this quality management system is an example of practice The good, “he said.

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Regarding the operation of the third space for entrepreneurship, Jess Meljuza indicated that it operates from 10 specialized interest units, either for business opening procedures, operating licenses, SAT, Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, for the subject of credits, Job Bank of National Employment and Service Directorate, Business Diagnostics and Orientation Entrepreneur.

He stressed that “of course there will be a module of interest in the business sector, as it will be the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism and the Business Coordination Council, among others.”

Sedeco President Michoacán assured that “with this center, entrepreneurs and businessmen will not have to move from office to office to carry out their procedures, and there will be no need anymore to move to Morelia”.

He indicated that through the launch of this project, 29,116 economic units in the Michoacán region, which represent 11.2% of the total in Michoacán, will be directly supported.

He explained that “the numbers reflect the importance of this area, for the region’s GDP, for example, is equivalent to 11% of the country and amounts to 21.744 million pesos.”

He stated that they would open one soon in La Piedad, as well as in Zamora Jacona, as well as in Lazaro Cardenas.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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