Singer Enrique Guzman and his granddaughter, Frida Sophia, sue each other for sexual assault | People | entertainment

Singer Enrique Guzman and his granddaughter, Frida Sophia, sue each other for sexual assault |  People |  entertainment

“With me breaking the silence,” he said, after publicly denouncing his grandfather’s sexual assault. His mother, Alejandra Guzmán, does not believe him.

Frida Sophia, daughter of Mexican singer Alejandra Guzman and the live inspiration of the song I was waiting for you He broke the silence and recounted his experience with sexual assault at the hands of his grandfather and his mother’s friends, in an exclusive interview with Mexican journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante.

His statements came after the distance traveled by his family.

Almost immediately, defendant Enrique Guzman told Mexican media that he would not allow himself to be stigmatized in this way, so he would be legally advancing against his granddaughter. Frida says she was terrified of her grandfather who had touched her for so long since she was five years old.

“It was always so abusive, I started shivering because I have a lot to say about it. A very disgusting man, a very abusive man, he scared me, he always scared me.” He said in an interview with TV notes.

According to international media such as Telemundo s Globalism, In addition to making the event public, the young woman shared a photo from her childhood, where she could see discomfort in front of her grandfather.

This incident which will take a legal course has sparked controversy on the part of the Guzmán family, who have already talked about it. The defendant, Enrique Guzman, 78, denied the accusation via Twitter and confirmed that his granddaughter needs psychological help.

Enrique Guzmán said they began this process to clean up their image: “(Alejandra Guzmán) offered to support her lawyer because this is not fair, and it is not true, they hurt me a lot and we have to file a complaint. I am not degraded, I have never been and do not want this stain to remain.”

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Meanwhile, her mother, Alejandra Guzman, did not endorse her daughter’s comments, in a statement shared by entertainment journalist Patti Chappoy. In addition, the Queen of Hearts has offered her daughter to fix the situation in search of a healer.

He said, “I offer you my heart and all my love, because I was born to you.”

However, Frida Sophia responded with a post on Instagram. He wrote: “With me the chain of silence is broken.”

Many internet users have turned to social networks in favor of Frida. (I)

Muhammad Bourn

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