The new health chief suggests that doctors Rios, Hurtado and Chang will stay to continue the fight against Covid-19

The new health chief suggests that doctors Rios, Hurtado and Chang will stay to continue the fight against Covid-19

From the romanso hospital Marcelo Rios, former Acting Minister of Health, Symbolically, he passed the position to the new Minister of Human Development of the Interior Fernando Pacheco, This, as of this date, is the person in charge of the health field in the entity of the department.

“Salud can’t be stopped, So, The first thing that was identified was good coordination And visiting the various vaccination centers, as well as some hospitals and all units of the Ministry of Health and Social Policies, to ensure the continuity of all the public administration that is being implemented, ” The doctor who also held the position of Director of the Health Department (Headquarters) said: In the administration of Governor Robin Costas.

Rivers Wish the new authorities good luck And he took the opportunity to remember that more vaccinations should be ordered for Santa Cruz.

Pacheco, what He went to the health center with the new headquarters manager, Erwin Ferez; From the director of the hospital administration, Edel Toledo; Social Policy Director Freddy Jimenez appreciated the work of Rios and the provincial authorities, and highlighted the coordination with the Ministry of Health.

“This is the management we want to do, Prove that you can coordinate with the authorities at other levels. My pleasure to find good patient care; I didn’t see any waiting lists, we just got better at it. If we had more vaccine supplies, Do not suspect that the grafting points will be multiplied. “It’s one of the first measures we’ll take,” Pacheco said.

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The new authority hinted at that The officials of the previous administration will continue to work in the current administration.

“Health does not have to stop for a minute, changing does not mean stopping, but continuing to improve and improve what needs to be improved. We believe that we will make a good team, with Doctors Marcelo Rios, Carlos Hurtado and Boris Chang. They contribute and get rid of any political color, they are responsible only to the people.

It also indicated that Will call the Minister of Health Jason Oza or else he will go to La Paz To request a meeting for coordination purposes About the vaccination schedule nationwide. He also indicated that he would seek to meet with the municipal authorities in the region for the same purpose.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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