Together for Change discusses a new name to expand the space

Together for Change discusses a new name to expand the space

National Council of Together for Change came together two days ago to analyze its electoral strategy amid a strong internal strength in the PRO party nominations. For a STEP move between Buenos Aires Mayor, Horacio Rodríguez Laretta, and party chairwoman, Patricia Bullrich, they touched on “expanding” that front for better performance in this year’s competition.

The two of them had seen each other last Monday Put on cold clothes According to sources from PRO to NA, after the dispute escalated publicly last week, but the dispute over nominations in the city and in the province of Buenos Aires continues.

In this context, the leadership of the opposition coalition held a meeting in Galbon de los Milagros in the Palermo district of Buenos Aires, where Larita and Bullrich met again.

But they did it with former Governor of Buenos Aires Maria Eugenia Vidal; UCR President, Alfredo Cornejo; auditor: Miguel Angel Piccito; Senators Martin Lusto and Louis Naydenov; Representatives Mario Negri, Maximiliano Ferraro and Juan Manuel Lopez. Former President Mauricio Macri was not there.

“We’re talking about going county by county, talking to those who share our values ​​and principles. And we haven’t touched anything on Parliament’s agenda. “We are proposing something important, which is to unite together for change and expand it,” Bullrich told the press as he left the meeting.

expect it “This Together for Extended Change will have another name because new actors will be participating”, Although he avoided revealing who will be these leaders who will join the opposition front, at a time when the versions seem that the space of Jose Luis Espert can participate in the passage of this sector.

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“We are not talking about names, we are talking about concepts. Each region will put forward the names of the leaders who requested these dialogues with us,” Bullrich added.

For his part, Negri said that “It was a good business meeting”, They “diagnosed our position in all governorates” in the face of the legislative elections.

“The central result is to strengthen unity, to try to expand the coalition to win the elections, and to propose an alternative to power for the Argentines.” Radical leader added.

He stated, “The 2021 elections are the key to Argentine democracy because Kirchneriya today has the House of Representatives is the only containment dam. We cannot allow them to take full control of Congress because society demands more freedom and more democracy.”

It was on the verge of The second face-to-face meeting of the year after the meeting they held last AprilBecause most of the National Assembly meetings were by video link due to the pandemic.

Apprentice PRO also includes Vidal, Because he Rodriguez Laretta has pledged to head the list of candidates for national deputies in the city of Buenos AiresDespite the fact that the former governor has not yet confirmed whether she will enter the electoral dispute or not.

This place in the city, the main stronghold of the PRO, claims that Bullrich who considers that the former governor should play in the province of Buenos Aires It is out of reach for a potential competition in STEP.

The The controversy moves to the province of Buenos Aires, where Vicente Lopez’s mayor, Jorge Macri, resists the prospect of Santelli landing. He uses with Bullrich the argument of not moving leaders from one region to another, in a letter that was also addressed to Vidal.

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According to partisan sources cited by the NA, Bullrich and Mayor Vicente López have done Agreeing to defend this position would have had Macri’s approval.

Last week, Bullrich announced that “It does not benefit “the space that the former governor returns to the federal capital as a candidate.

For his part, Vidal said: “Mauricio (Macri) believes that the best thing for me is to be a candidate in the region and I have listened to all the members of my party. Of course, in the end I will make the decision to think about what is best for people, for my space, and ultimately for me.I won’t take it for or against anyone.”

Although she said she would always be “grateful” to the former president, she explained: “In Juntos por el Cambio, in general, there are no chiefdoms, there are many chiefdoms, including that of the former chief, but there are no bosses and I think that gives strength to the space.”

In the same sense, the head of the UCR expressed himself and considered it “obvious” that Mauricio Macri is “not the only captain” of Gentos Bor el Cambio.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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