UAL celebrates Science Week with the participation of more than 1,800 students

UAL celebrates Science Week with the participation of more than 1,800 students

From Monday, November 7 to Friday, November 11, the largest social networking event on science and technology will be held in Spain. Science Week. This event aims to bring scientific and technological knowledge closer to society by disseminating the research results of the University of Almeria, which is mainly Focus on ESO IV students, baccalaureate and vocational training from the province. Organized by the UAL, through the OTRI (Office for the Transfer of Research Outcomes), its primary goal is to achieve a greater social understanding of science and a better appreciation of its impact on daily activity and the improvement of people’s quality of life.

The university’s vice president for research, Diego Valera, explained this during this science week 1,805 students will participate. “It is a success. Every year we outdo ourselves. For us, it is necessary to bring the university closer to the community and especially the younger ones. Through this activity they know what is being done in the UAL laboratories. 41 high schools from all over the province of Almeria participate and we have organized 79 activities throughout This week they are sure to be very successful and help attract the youngest to their university.” All activities are fun, informative and educational in nature.

From UAL, a very important commitment is made to bring science closer to society and especially to the younger and more awakening scientific professions in them. The Vice President for Student Affairs, Equality and Inclusion, Maribel Ramirez, explained that this year “along with Science Week, we celebrate the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, promoted by the United Nations General Assembly this year and which aims to increase inclusive participation in sciences, promoting scientific education and training, enhancing knowledge of basic sciences and popularizing open science.” He encouraged participants to choose science studies, especially girls. Since we’ve done this kind of activity, in the past three years we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of girls attending the Faculty of Science, already at 51 percent. This trend should take root in engineering where they are still in the minority.”

On this first day it opened with “Coffee with knowledge” With five tables attended by students from IES El Argar and IES Bahía de Almería. This activity is organized by the Discover Foundation on a regional basis, through which the first personal and friendly contact is facilitated between UAL scholars and students, while having breakfast and chatting on an interesting topic.

– Representative of educational development, vocational training, university, research and innovation. Francis AlonsOr he asserted that the celebration again of Science Week at UAL “is a very important commitment to bring science closer to society and especially to the younger and vigilant scientific professions in their souls.” Alonso also highlighted “coffee with science, an activity funded by the University Council and increasingly promoted within the programme”.

for this part, Joseph Alfredo SaidThe Director of the Cajamar Office at the UAL, thanked the University of Almería for its continuous support with young people and offered Cajamar’s support “in any initiative that helps these young people find their careers and their professional development. And what better way is through this Science Week where professionals and scientists can discover the projects that are being Currently developing it and finding the mirror where they see themselves reflected in order to find their career.”

Various workshops, talks, games, interactive experiences, etc. to be developed covering a large number and variety of scientific disciplines such as chemistry, mathematics, geology, robotics, biology, psychology or nutrition, with the aim that all students will find an activity of interest to them.

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in science week All faculties of the University of Almeria participate, Central research services and research centers. In addition, it has a collaboration between the Discover Foundation and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The event is sponsored by Cajamar Caja Rural and funded by the Ministry of Knowledge and Research and the University.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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