We spoke to the latest FameLab winner, his favorite quote

We spoke to the latest FameLab winner, his favorite quote

One of .’s favorite works Queen Letizia, one of those he only brings for fun and not because it’s rooted in his functions within Zarzuela. We are talking about FameLab Science Monologue Competition, which takes place on Fridays at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. A whole tradition that Letizia has done for several years and it shows her Interest in science. Since 2014, he’s always attended, except for the latest edition, which had to be behind closed doors due to health restrictions. Since then it has been said that this monologue competition is Letizia’s favorite calendar quote.

In fact, it was Leticia herself who asked to go, when she met Winner of the first edition, Eduardo Sainz de Cabezon, which the Queen matches with in an act after that first contest. And we wanted to talk to the latest winners, Alejandro Sanchez, Flight EngineerWho will present the witness to the world who was crowned the winner on Friday, this time, in the presence of Mrs. Letizia. Although he will have to do it remotely, work has taken him to Tokyo. Therefore, he would never meet her again, something he admits he would have loved in his version. He himself shows us the importance The presence of Mrs. Letizia at this time.

Alejandro Sanchez, during the monologue. (Youtube site)

The previous version, which I won, was held behind closed doors, so Donna Letizia didn’t show up. But I don’t know if he has a chance to congratulate you in private.

It was a shame not being able to count on the presence of the Queen and other figures like him. Former Minister Pedro DuqueHe is also an aeronautical engineer. I did not have the opportunity to start a conversation with Mrs. Letizia or communicate in any way, but from FECYT – the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, the organizer of the event- Send me your best wishes For being a FameLab winner and best wishes for my next steps. Perhaps in the next version there will be more luck!

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I don’t know if you agree with the idea that their presence gives the event greater visibility. Is support for the royal house important?

Absolutely. without entering the political arena, The presence of the royal house is objectively a beneficial factor for the Queen. Without going any further, this same medium provided this report as a result of Queen Letizia and her collaboration with FECYT; If His Majesty had not shown interest in the Fame Lab, I probably wouldn’t speak now! Thanks to her, we are getting close to the competition To an audience that may not recognize you otherwise.

Is this monologue quiz a way for people not to see science as something too distant and “appropriate” for some?

completely! In the twenty-first century, many people continue to see science as something abstract and alien to them, even though they are surrounded by it 24 hours a day. The epidemic has revealed itself, in my opinion How do people need to learn and care about scienceTo understand all its benefits. FameLab is a great opportunity for scientists and engineers in our country to encourage them to publish their work in a simple and fun way, Bringing science closer to the general public.

Personally, I have little knowledge of biology or psychology, two subjects are often covered in these monologues, and Fame Lab is perfect for introducing me to this world, arousing my curiosity and arousing my interest in them. If you’re interested and want to learn, science is for you too, and the Fame Lab might be the spark you need.

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Queen Letizia, in the 2019 edition (limited photos)

What did winning the latest edition give you personally and professionally?

Personally, it gave me the possibility of realizing a dream I had been dreaming of for a long time: to be able to enter a full theater (or almost full, which covid didn’t allow) and to be able to spread a little science and technology Using humor as a tool. Despite the nerves and how short it was (no more than 3 minutes of acting), making the audience laugh is one of the most magical moments I’ve ever had. Nor can I forget the rest of the participants, or FamiLab, as we usually say; Despite how little we see each other in person, I have been able to appreciate their greats, the excellent communication and the research they do. They are an example to follow.

Professionally, fame lab helped me Strengthening my skills as a communicator And to improve the syllabus a bit, the topic has come up in several job interviews and I was able to use this monologue as a cover letter. If in the future I decide to turn my career toward scientific promotion, I think I’m starting on a good footing.

Why are you in Japan? If it’s for business, what did you find there that you can’t get here?

This is exactly why I am in Tokyo. After being selected as a Vulcanos Scholarship participant in Japan, I had the opportunity to move to Japan to learn Japanese and do an internship at a lunar exploration company called ispace. After completing the program in August, they offered me to stay with the same company and I accepted. In the Spanish space sector there are important representatives such as GMV or Hispasat, but the opportunity that ispace offers me Participation in a mission to the moon that I cannot find in Spain, at least for now. I would be glad to return if there were such opportunities in our country, but for now I and many others should look for them abroad.

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In 2018, when he came by surprise with King Philip. (limited photos)

different date

As they already confirmed to Vanitatis some time ago, they are sure of it from the organization The Queen is interested in science, through the questions he asks and knowledge of the topic that he clarifies. “Always He keeps talking to the contestants And with previous winners also invited. It tends to be a very relaxed atmosphere. “Of course, neither the constraints of this year nor the subsequent meetings will make it so huge, but Letizia certainly does not miss the opportunity to bring up everything that interests her about science. Among those habits that came To annoy his university professors, as she admitted herself a few days ago.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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