What diseases help prevent eating tangerines every day | Health | magazine

What diseases help prevent eating tangerines every day |  Health |  magazine

Learn about the healing treasure in the pulp and skin of this type of fruit.

Citrus fruits, in addition to being delicious, are important for health thanks to their high content of vitamin C, essential oils, citric acid and other properties. But among this whole family there is one fruit that stands out: tangerine. And in order to consume it you need nothing more than your hands to open and enjoy it.

Benefits of eating citrus fruits regularly

Mandarins are high in fiber (contributing about 1.5 grams), improve oral health And In addition, it favors bowel activity and avoids constipation, and its peel is a hidden treasure. But this is not all of its benefits. Find out the importance of adding this magical fruit to your daily diet below:

One aspect to consider is that if you consume fruit daily, you can prevent signs of aging, because tangerines are a source of vitamins A and C; Both stimulate the production of collagen, the protein responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the tissues that make up the body, such as the skin.

Tangerine benefits: Tangerine peel tea to improve your health

Tangerine image taken from Pexels.

Regarding its cover, according to a study published in the magazine science dailyAnd Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, star sclerosis and heart disease Because the peel of tangerines contains nibeltin, a flavonoid that is beneficial for health. In addition, the peel, like the pulp, helps prevent the cell damage it causes Infectious diseases and scary Cancer collects A study conducted by scientists at the Leicester School of Pharmacy.

Finally, this magical fruit helps Digestive healthThe fact is that this is due to the fact that the tangerine peel, thanks to its richness in potassium and citric acid, increases the absorption of nutrients and contributes to the decomposition of food. Which means that digestion will be better, reduces uric acid in the body and Improving the condition of the urinary tract.

Tangerine and its peel have properties that help health and beauty. Photo: pexels.

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Fruit can be eaten daily in several ways: peeled, in unsweetened juice or soaked. But what is the correct amount? According to the gate QiQ, the correct number will be up to four tangerines per day, because tangerines contain less than 40 calories; In other words, do not become fat, however, it is recommended to change schedules. (I)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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