Women as agents of change in science

Women as agents of change in science

Madam Director:

Proving that women can be pioneers in science and technology in our country is not easy, if stereotypes of children tell us that our capabilities are not related to fields such as technology, science, engineering or computing.

According to Science 2017, due to stereotypes, girls begin to perceive themselves as less intelligent than boys from the age of six, particularly in the field of mathematics.

Less than 30% of researchers in the world are women, and in relation to OECD countries, Chile is among the countries with the lowest participation of women in these professions with 34%.

According to the United Nations, empowering women spurs productivity and economic growth. Gender equality attracts talent and a better work environment in organizations, while being in direction improves corporate performance.

Being a woman today is an advantage if you have knowledge and merit, as there is great social power in balancing the balance. What we need is confidence that we are as prepared as everyone else for the same purpose.

Girls and guys who want to enter this world, even those who haven’t even thought about it, should know that they can develop new ideas, mobilize teams and run their own companies here and anywhere in the world, and create and innovate through science and technology.

France of Navaret

Director of Operations Protera, Inspiratec Award 2020

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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