Ian Wright picked the three Arsenal players who turned Mikel Arteta’s season

Ian Wright picked the three Arsenal players who turned Mikel Arteta’s season

Arsenal legend Ian Wright says Pocayo Saca, Kiran Tierney and Emile Smith Rowe have completely changed the season for Mikel Arteta.

Arsenal were sitting 15th in the table with a very poor performance, but three successive victories lifted them to 11th in the table, just three points behind Chelsea in sixth.

The trio were at their peak in the 4–0 win over West Bromwich Albion, causing countless problems for the opponent that Wright says haven’t been a feature of Arsenal’s playing for much of this season.

“The team was playing with a lack of confidence,” Wright said in today’s match. “They really did.”

“There was a lot of sideways passes I guess nonetheless [Bukayo] Says , [Kieran] Tierney and Emile Smith Rowe, the way they want to go ahead and build, has completely changed. Victories will help you gain confidence.

“Saka, today, once again, put in a great game.

“I think the good thing about what Arsenal did, was that they had Saca and Turney, who were the most creative Arsenal players, and they’re both on the same side. Now they have changed them and they seem a little more balanced.”

Gunners’ second goal seemed to sum up all that did well in their performance with Wright.

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“Look at Emile Smith Row in that beautiful District No. 10,” Wright added. “Scroll, move and then enter.”

Pass it on to [Alexandre] Lacazette, gets the ball back and plays for Saca while he’s there. This is old Arsenal and what they can do. It’s great to see them do that.

“What Arsenal needs from the midfield is more goals and you can see Smith Roe on the edge of the penalty area as he prepares to go in. He was not lucky enough to hit the post.”

Ayhan Fletcher

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