Language policy activates ‘Arxiu Ninyoles’ webspace

Language policy activates ‘Arxiu Ninyoles’ webspace

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, in conjunction with International Mother Language Day, has activated the new web space “Arxiu Ninyoles” (

Through this digital archive, the Directorate General of Language Policy and Management of Multilingualism makes available to all citizens the ten books that it has published since 2017 within the Ninyoles Collection of Linguistic Studies of the Valencian Community, which it created in honor of the Sociolinguistics of the Valencian Repertoire. Rafael Nineols.

The Director General, Ruben Trinzano, stressed that “we wanted to synchronize the revitalization of the site with a specific date like this for native language appreciation. For this reason, we want to provide maximum dissemination and sharing of all research studies on language attitudes and uses, which we are promoting from the Ministry.” by Col lecció Ninyoles, because the dissemination of this treasure is the key to progress in the social use of the Valencian language in all areas of society.”

The 10 studies that can already be consulted on the Arxiu Ninyoles website are the result of research work supported by the Directorate General of Language Policy and the Department of Multilingualism between 2017 and 2020 with reference to Applied Linguistics.

The Ninyoles Collection was started with Impacte i valor econmic del valencià, a study by the Valencia Institute for Economic Research (IVIE), and three of its 10 titles have already been presented to the public. Public viewing of the rest of the studies was halted in March 2020 due to the pandemic.

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Now, with a gradual return to normalcy, the Directorate General of Language Policy and Management of Multilingualism is resuming the public presentations of the seven outstanding books. These performances will take place in Elche, Gandia, Sagunto, Villa Real, Valencia and Alzira and have been prepared with the help of the Valencia Promotion Offices in the town halls and the corresponding municipal government teams. Confecomerç also collaborates on one of the presentations.

In addition, in parallel, all books and other informational materials, as well as survey data sets from the Sociolinguistics and Research Service (SIES) since the 1980s, will now be accessed on the Arxiu Ninyoles website.

display table

The presentation calendar for Col·lecció Ninyoles’ new titles opens in the meeting room of the Ciutat d’Elx Convention Center on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00 PM. And you will do it twice with “del valencià en el comerç de proximitat i grans superfícies” by Yaiza Pérez Alonso and “Ús del valencià en el comerç Retail” by Tony Marquez.

The next stop will be on March 3 in the Central Monastery Library of Sant Roc de Gandia, where at 7:00 pm the book “Consum, comerç i llengües”, the work of Vicenta Tasa and Anselm Bodoque will be shown. The event is to be hosted by writer, journalist and translator Julie Capella.

On March 10, at the Mario Monreal Cultural Center in Sagunto (7:00 pm), an article titled ‘Linguistic attitudes about multilingual education. Camp de Morvedre’, work by Michel Nicolas, Francesc J. Hernandez, Carme Rodriguez and Paquita Sanvicen, was presented.

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The Sagunt Code will be presented by the Director General of Educational Innovation and Planning, Reis Gallego, and also includes the screening of the documentary ‘Nous ponts, noves rifitats’, by the DESiRES research group of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology at Universitat Jaume I (UJI) of Castillo. This work deals with the arrival of the baccalaureate to the IES at Villafranca del Cid in a unique experience in our territory, where students from L’Alt Maestrat and three cities from the neighboring Aragonese region Maestrazgo coexist in the classrooms.

The University Knowledge Library (BUC) in Vila-real will host on March 24 at 7:00 pm a presentation of the study “valencià en la indústria de consumer”, by Tony Marques, by the Director General of Internationalization at the Ministry of Economy, Maria Dolores Parra.

On March 31, at the Museum of the City of Valencia (7:00 pm), the research “Comunicació telemàtica d’empreses valencianes B2C” by Lluís Català and Clemente Penalva will be presented. The event will be presented by the Head of the Office of Linguistic Normalization of the Valencia City Council, Vicente Año.

The last stop will be Casa de la Cultura de Alzira on April 7 (7:00 pm), where the Secretary of the Valencia Academy of Language, Verònica Cantó, will present the work of Situació del valencià i Alternatives, by Tony Marques.

It is also scheduled that at the 57th edition of the Fira del Llibre de València, which will take place from April 28 to May 8, 2022 in the Viveros Gardens, a gathering of the authors of these seven books of Col lecció Ninyoles will take place.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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