Science confirms that we do not know how to be silent when touched

Science confirms that we do not know how to be silent when touched

Science says most of the time, we don’t know how to be silent when you touch or speak when you belong

When Adam Mastroianni (currently a Harvard psychology doctoral student) was a student at Oxford and reluctantly tied the tie again, realizing that he didn’t even feel like going to that college party while he was imagining these. Endless boring conversations that no one wants to accept just for the sake of education, Realize: “What if the two people are thinking exactly the same thing but we’re both stuck because we don’t know how to close it or when to do it?”

Now a study published in the Official Journal of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States appears to agree with Mastroiani’s intuition: to analyze participants’ feelings after a conversation they realize that the conversation ended too early or was stopped. Long. Come on for what People have a terrible standard of knowing when to close a peak Or how long should we continue talking. If you take a moment to analyze any encounter with this acquaintance-who-who-does-not-become-friend-on the street, you can know exactly what they are referring to. Eternal badges or the feeling of staying with the word in your mouth, always with that aura of “I don’t know if I’m going to say goodbye now or not” making the whole thing extremely uncomfortable.

So far, these types of studies have mainly been conducted by sociologists and linguists, while psychologists have focused on analyzing other issues, such as the type of language humans use when persuading. Yes, there have been some other studies that have looked at the words people choose Settlement of conversations, But so far they haven’t focused on when people decide to use them. Mastroianni explained, “Psychology has just grasped the fact that it is an interesting and fundamental fact at a societal level.” Scientific American. As for his study, he and his team performed two experiments that allowed them to do so Conversation dynamics analysis.

In the first, they scanned 806 topics about their last conversation with another person. In most cases it was with a friend, family member, or partner, and it was sought to find out at the approximate moment that people wanted to end the conversation as to how long it actually was. In the second, this time in the lab, 252 individuals were paired with the only instructions to speak until they wanted, between 1 and 45 minutes. As you can imagine, the result was utterly disastrous. Mastroianni and the CIA found out Only 2% of the conversations ended when both parties wanted to.

And only 30% when he wanted at least one of them. Most of them would have preferred the conversation to continue the last half as it did. 64% also couldn’t guess when their partner would like to end the conversation. In fact, science confirms that although we are “social animals,” we are extremely socially awkward. Alison Wood told Brooks, a Harvard business professor who was not involved in this study Scientific American “A thriving conversation science needs rigorous descriptive essays like this one, but we also need causal experiments to test strategies that can help us overcome important and comprehensive conversation challenges. We are just beginning to get an accurate understanding of how people talk to each other. “

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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