Author: Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."
They are forced to close facilities that are more than 400 meters in height, with limited space

They are forced to close facilities that are more than 400 meters in height, with limited space

Barcelona, ​​Jan.9 (EFE). – The urban guard in several Catalan towns was forced to close some establishments of the Decathlon…

Guarania, from tomorrow, has a space in NPY

Guarania, from tomorrow, has a space in NPY

In the first semester Paraguay flowers, Genesis; The format, to be directed by singer Ricardo Felicia, will receive Maestro Luis…

The hated philosopher who wanted to separate religion from science

The hated philosopher who wanted to separate religion from science

Gustavo Bueno’s materialistic philosophy rests, among other things, on two main pillars. One of them is that in order to…

Five keys to reforming the private health sector planned by the government

Five keys to reforming the private health sector planned by the government

The national government is increasingly determined Rush to overhaul the health system in Argentina Includes a More state intervention in…

Félix Huete is shown again at Espacio Joven Sur

Félix Huete is shown again at Espacio Joven Sur

From Friday until the 31st, the exhibition hall at Espacio Joven Sur in Valladolid will host the exhibition “Painting in…

“All health proposals are evaluated.”

“All health proposals are evaluated.”

Palma, 7 in. (Europe Press) – “All health proposals are on the table to be evaluated,” Prime Minister Franchina Armengol…

In Tarbes, the flag is at the heart of the livestock

In Tarbes, the flag is at the heart of the livestock

Workshops to eliminate preconceptions and lies. “In a period marked by the emergence of irrationality and criticism of science, it…

Macy’s will close 45 stores this year

Macy’s will close 45 stores this year

Senior management for Messi Yesterday, he confirmed the closure of about 45 stores this year in the United States, As…

Galapagos children are related to astronauts in space

Galapagos children are related to astronauts in space

For the first time, the Galapagos Boys and Girls spoke in real time with astronauts orbiting the Earth at an…

They expelled the nurses from the Centro de Salud hospital to file complaints to Minister Shahla

They expelled the nurses from the Centro de Salud hospital to file complaints to Minister Shahla

A year after Governor Mansour violated the agreement and canceled the incentive clause to freeze salaries for health workers, his…