Juan Chiaretti managed to keep his Peronist area away from the Kirchneria

Juan Chiaretti managed to keep his Peronist area away from the Kirchneria

The tightrope walking tactic in the crack once again paid off for the wayward Peronist ruler, Juan Chicariti, who played hard by choosing his wife, Congressman Alejandra Viejo, as a candidate for the Senate and took second place. Third, away, the Todos Front was led by its former ally Senator Carlos Caserio, who, if this outcome was repeated in November, would be excluded from Congress.

Córdoba, who had their own block of deputies and were instrumental in every session to help the government get a majority, or not, had their hideout in a hotel called, coincidentally, “the quorum”, in the capital.

From there, the president celebrated the results of “We work for Córdoba”. “He’s beyond the expectations we had for this election, so we’re happy. He’s encouraging us,” the president said, not straying from the pure Córdoba rhetoric. “We don’t want a rift in Cordoba, we want bridges that unite us instead of a trench,” he added.

Before, his candidates spoke in the same vein. “We had a wonderful election, I congratulate you,” said Figo, who will jump with that result from deputies to the Senate in November.

The front-runner is Natalia de la Sota, daughter of the former governor and current county deputy, who hit the rudder and turned to politics from music, clearly moved. “As we did with our great rulers, José Manuel de la Sota, my father who is in heaven, and Juan Chiaretti, who knew how to build the identity of Córdoba. It is an autonomy that will allow us to go to Congress,” he noted.

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Joy is explained by numbers. In this election, Schiarettismo puts three of her seats in the Chamber of Deputies at stake and with this result she can keep these seats. Now he wants to grow for November to earn again. In the Senate, for his part, he will regain the seat he lost after Carlos Caserio’s jump to the Todos front. the win

Caserio, a former ally of Schiaretti, left for the FdT in 2019, after Alberto Fernández’s candidacy was confirmed.

In the Senate, the power that goes out first wins two senators, the power that goes out second; The third is up. Carlos Caserio, who had the difficult task of renovating his bank and preventing the national government from leaving it without a senator from Córdoba, was too late.

“We will double our efforts. We expect it to improve,” he said. Although he knows his outlook is tough, he bets on adding representation in the deputies.

In the House of Representatives, the Kordofan Front renewed for everyone only one seat. With an average of 10 points, he holds that spot, but if they expand the score to 15% in November, they can win an extra seat. As first vice they take the carriage Gabriela Estevez.

The Todos front leads as candidates for Vice Mayor of Villa Maria, Martin Gil and second to Olga Rotorte, the leader of the capital who has been de la Sota’s wife for 15 years and is now facing one of the daughters of the former president.

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To break through between JxC and schiarettism, they target both. Some accuse the “coup plotters” and the governor of wanting to “divide Peronism”.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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